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Are there any Food & Drug Interactions with Eliquis?

Tuesday 15 June 2021
4 minute(s) read
Dr.Stanley Zaslau

Medically reviewed by

Dr Stanley Zaslau, MD

on 23 September 2022

Table of Contents

I. Understanding Eliquis

II. Be Aware of Pain-Relievers

III. Avoid Grapefruit

IV. Monitor Your Alcohol Consumption

V. Talk with Your Doctor

Understanding Eliquis

Eliquis is a popular anticoagulant that is used for people at risk for blood clots. Blood clots can cause several dangerous complications in the body and should be avoided at all costs. Eliquis (apixaban), combined with diet and exercise, makes up a beneficial treatment plan if you have a history of atrial fibrillation or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). If you are obese and live a sedentary lifestyle (with limited physical exercise), you are also at an increased risk of blood clots. Having surgery on the joints may also increase your risk.

Eliquis is now available in generic form through Canada Pharmacy Depot. This drug is typically expensive, so the release of its generic form allows more access to those who want to include it in their treatment plan. But does Eliquis interact with any other medications or food? Read on to learn how to take Eliquis safely. [1]

several medications piled up together

Be Aware of Pain-Relievers

Many of us reach for over-the-counter aspirin when we feel aches or pain. This is normally not a big deal, but you may have to watch your pain reliever consumption if you take Eliquis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to interact with the compounds within apixaban. Common NSAIDs include Advil and Aleve.

These two drugs interact with each other because NSAIDs also have blood-thinning qualities. Aspirin is an antiplatelet drug that stops platelets from forming clots. These drugs interfere with the way the blood clots, so your risk of a dangerous bleeding event increases if they are taken together. When you cut your skin, it is easy to see if the bleeding is excessive, but internal injuries are harder to identify. Excessive bleeding in the gastrointestinal system can occur, which can be incredibly dangerous if you do not know it is occurring.

Pain relievers are a common part of everyday healthcare, so people on blood thinners may feel they have no options. Doctors know you cannot avoid pain relievers altogether, but they recommend taking the lowest dose possible to avoid any adverse interactions. [2]

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Avoid Grapefruit

It may sound hard to believe, but grapefruit can interact with many common medications. Yes, it is a healthy citrus fruit that is part of a balanced diet, but it can cause side effects with some blood thinners like Eliquis. If grapefruit is part of your diet, you may want to talk to your doctor to see if it is safe to continue eating this fruit.

a grapefruit cut in half

When medications like Eliquis enter the body and then the blood system, they are processed in the liver and small intestine by proteins called cytochrome P450 (CYPs). These proteins process and break down medications and reduce the level of medication in the body. A compound within citrus fruits like Seville oranges, tangelos, and pomelos called furanocoumarin interacts with CYPs. Studies have shown that furanocoumarins disrupt the normal function of CYPs.

When these two substances interact, there is an increase in the blood levels of over 85 medications. This means that if you consume grapefruit while taking Eliquis, the level of apixaban in the body is increased, making a dangerous bleeding event more likely. Sometimes, one whole grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice is enough to affect your medications. [3]

Monitor Your Alcohol Consumption

Mixing alcohol and prescription medications is a bad idea, but it can be especially dangerous with blood thinners. When you take blood thinners, you are already at risk of a bleeding event, and alcohol only increases this possible side effect.

When you are drinking, metabolic changes occur in the liver, altering the effectiveness of blood thinners. When the liver cannot process alcohol and Eliquis, it alters the body’s blood thinner use. This means that the concentration of the medication can increase in the bloodstream, making heavy bleeding much more likely.

two people drinking beer in the sunset

If you have a few drinks, you are at higher risk of falling and hurting yourself. A little tumble is usually not a huge deal, but if you suffer an internal injury, you may be at risk of a significant bleeding event. You may be experiencing internal bleeding if you have the following symptoms:

  • Altered mental state
  • Fatigue
  • Fainting
  • Severely low blood pressure
  • Abdominal swelling [4]

Talk with Your Doctor

Beginning a blood thinner regimen does not have to disrupt every aspect of your life. Generic apixaban is a fairly new medication and is commonly prescribed because it has fewer side effects and interactions than other drugs like warfarin. Your doctor will let you know the possible side effects of Eliquis. It is important to be transparent about your dietary habits, so your doctor knows if anything you eat could be dangerous for your treatment plan. Talk to your doctor today to find out if Eliquis is right for you.

The content provided in this article is based on thorough research and in some cases, reviewed by a medical professional. Our goal for the information is to provide helpful, general health informational. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice.